
Plans After You Are Arrested For a DUI

Written by: The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata

Once you are charged with a DUI there are many things that you have to take into consideration. Think about how much your fine is going to become, your drivers license suspension, and the rise in cost of your auto insurance for at least 3 years. These are just some of the irritations that come with a DUI, but you can prevent these things from hurting your life. Garret T. Ogata and his team of law professionals have helped many people in the Las Vegas area fight their DUIs.

Call Our Offices to Arrange Plans After You Are Arrested For a DUI

Give our offices a call arrested for a DUI to ensure you receive legal consultation. As long as you have not been convicted in court for a DUI you still have a fighting chance to prevent one from hurting your record. By getting in touch with us you will definitely increase your chances at preventing a DUI from harming your record.

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