
The Results of Drinking and Driving

Written by: The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata

If you are the type that drinks and drives all the time then maybe you want to rethink this bad habit you have picked up. Drinking and driving leads to accidents and could land you in jail for a long time. Read through our website to learn more about drinking and driving, and to also answer any questions you might have about a DUI. We hope the information we provide can help people practice better drinking habits and makes them avoid a DUI.

What To Do When You Are Pulled Over for Drinking and Driving

Remember that you do not have to submit to a breath test when you are pulled over for a DUI. Also keep in mind that you do not have to complete the field sobriety tests. You are required to take some type of test, so make sure you comply with the officer and submit a blood test. If the officers let you off the hook then try your best to avoid driving for the rest of the night. Park your vehicle in a safe location and make arrangements to get home safely. These are just a few tips, but make sure you read more at our website.

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