Las Vegas Prostitution Lawer

Defense Attorney for Sex Crimes Including Solicitation & Prostitution

Contrary to what many believe, prostitution is NOT legal in Sin City. However, this does not mean it is an uncommon occupation. In fact, it is not uncommon to run across someone engaging in prostitution in casino bars or nightclubs. Law enforcement is aware of this and targets many of their VICE operations by going undercover in casinos and soliciting sex with people they believe are engaging in prostitution. On the flip side, one may be looking for a prostitute and solicit someone they believe is a prostitute, but actually is an undercover officer. These two scenarios tend to be the most common situations when someone is charged with prostitution or solicitation. Typically, prostitution is treated as a misdemeanor unless there is an aggravating factor, such as soliciting a minor. Pandering or what is commonly referred to as “pimping,” which typically is related to prostitution, tends to be more severe and is a treated as a felony crime in Nevada. Depending if physical force or violence is involved and/or the age of the prostitute, felony charges will vary.

Contact the Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata To Discuss Your Prostitution Related Charges

Penalties for Prostitution or Solicitation of Prostitution vary and include:

  • Prostitution is a misdemeanor unless one solicits a child or has tested positive for HIV and is charged again for prostitution or solicitation
  • Solicitation of a child for prostitution is a category E felony with a minimum 1 year to a maximum 4 years prison sentence and possible fine not more than $5,000
  • If one was charged prior and tested positive for HIV and received notice of the positive test and is charged again, then a category B felony and a 2 year minimum and not more than 10 year maximum sentence and/or fine not more than $10,000

Pandering & Pimping Defense in Las Vegas

Pandering, or what many would know as “pimping,” is a serious crime in Nevada and carries felony charges. Make no mistake about it, pandering is illegal in Nevada. Pandering generally is when a person induces, persuades, encourages, inveigles, entices or compels a person to become a prostitute or to continue to engage in prostitution, or become an inmate of a house of prostitution or assigned place where prostitution is encouraged. A person may also commit pandering if one receives, gives or agrees to receive or give any money or thing of value for procuring or attempting to procure a person to become a prostitute or to come into this state or leave this state for purposes of prostitution.  Depending if physical force or violence is involved and/or the age of the prostitute, felony charges will vary.  Once crossing state lines become involved, one may be facing federal charges as well.

Penalties for pandering, which do not apply to the customer of a prostitute, are as follows:

  • If physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used upon an adult, a category C felony with a minimum 1 year up to a 5 year prison sentence and a possible fine not more than $10,000
  • If no physical force or immediate threat of physical is used upon the adult, a category D felony with a minimum 1 year up to a 4 year prison sentence and a possible fine of $5,000
  • If physical force or immediate threat of physical force is used upon an child, a category B felony with a minimum 2 years and a maximum term up to 20 years in prison and a possible fine not more than $20,000
  • If no physical force or immediate threat of physical is used upon the child, a category B felony with a minimum 1 year up to a maximum 10 year prison term and possible fine not more than $10,000
  • If charged with prostitution, solicitation or pandering contact The Law Offices of Garrett T. Ogata at 702-707-7085 to schedule a free consultation.

Your Best Option Forward

In legal matters, timing is everything. When it comes to your defense don't wait until later. To get started now, contact our firm through one of the methods below and request a free consultation. 

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